Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where In The World Is...?

As of November first I started moonlighting at JC Penny for some extra Christmas money.  My days consisted of going to school in the morning. Leave  after school for JC Penney till 10 then go home. Repeat. .  My blog needless to say went into hiatus due to Christmas season, sort of like network television that goes on summer hiatus only they broadcast reruns and I don't.  I was also at a pause in blogland due to my photos on my blog.  I compared my photos to other bloggers and noticed my pictures paled in comparison of others.    I lusted for a DSLR camera that took clearer and closer pictures that reflected my projects.  I had been using a Canon Power Shot and just felt my pictures were so inferior to other blogs,   I was feeling like I wanted to amp up more content and useful tips on the blog and get serious with my camera.  Hey, I'm a teacher I love to share new tips and tell people how to do things!!!!  Earning a little Christmas cash helped me achieve that goal.  I did my research between the Nikons and Canons.  I researched and watched all the sales every weekend on cameras and here is what I wound up with.

  Ain't she purty?  A Canon Rebel T3.  Mostly it came down to price.  Canons were the only cameras I found with sales opposed to the Nikon.  Target had a good price and I used my 5% red card which made it even sweeter.   When I began this blog I jumped in without knowing anything.    So I'm learning, resarching and taking lots of pictures with my new DSLR and I LOVE it!  Now back to blogging!! I think I can! I think I can!!