Saturday, October 13, 2012

Crochet Sheet Seat Cusion

Guest Post today.  This is Lisa Watson and she is my guest today.  She works as our librarian and computer lab guru in my school.  She came back from a camping trip in September and shared this crocheted seat cushion made of an old sheet with me.  It's amazing!   I asked her to be my guest today and share her project.  So, Lisa, take it away!!

Lisa Watson.  This started as a new craft....taught to a bunch of friends while on a recent camping outing.  We all brought an old sheet and a big crochet hook.  (available at any craft store or even Meijer.)   Take a full size sheet that is ripped into one long strip.  Starting at one end of a sheet and ripping across the sheet cut a little slit about 1 1/2 inches wide.  Rip the sheet  across until you get about an inch from the edge...then cut a slit 1 1/2 inches from that point and rip back across the sheet.  It is easiest if you have one person rolling the sheet into a great big yarn ball while you are ripping the sheet all the way to the end.  Once your ball is done, start chaining 6 chain stitches...then join the next stitch into the "first" chain to make a circle.  Continue to single crochet around the circle until you get to the desired size.  You could add other colors to the sheets if desired.  These could be used for rugs or seat cushions.
Thanks Lisa for stopping by today!  These are pretty cool!  Can't wait to try one myself!


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